Keeping Insurance Rates Low After Adding Teen Drivers

Car Insurance Discounts For New Drivers And Students

New drivers and students often encounter the highest insurance premiums. It's understandable -- they are also statistically most likely to get into an an accident. But insurance companies understand that students and new drivers often can't pay too much for their insurance. For that reason, there are some discounts provided. Taking a Driving Course In many states, a driving course is not required for those who get their license after a certain age. Read More 

3 Safety Features in Your Car That Might Help Lower Your Auto Insurance

When you trade in your older car for a newer car, you might worry that you auto insurance rates will skyrocket. While this can occur in some cases, there are also times when auto insurance rates are actually lower on newer vehicles than they are on older ones. There are several reasons this can happen, and one of the reasons is due to the safety features found in newer cars. If your new car has any of these safety features, you might qualify for discounts on your auto insurance policy. Read More 

4 Reasons You Need Homeowners Insurance

If you own a home, you are going to want to protect it with homeowners insurance. However, many homeowners would rather skip put on paying even more for their home each month by adding a homeowners insurance policy. Here are four reasons why you shouldn't do that: Your Mortgage Lender Requires It: If you have a mortgage loan on your home, your lender is likely going to require that you have homeowners insurance. Read More 

Three Reasons To Share An Auto Insurance Policy With Your Grandparents

As a young adult, having the freedom of a car is still a new thing. If you are buying another car and need to get auto insurance that you pay for yourself, you may soon find out that your rates are high. High insurance rates for young adults are typical, especially until they have proved themselves by having a number of good driving years under their belt. For this reason, it can be a good idea to get on an auto insurance policy with your grandparents. Read More 

Refuting A Few Common Myths About Business Insurance Policies

Starting a business may have been one of the most important investments that you have made. However, it is a reality that many individuals are not particularly well-informed when it comes to the insurance policies that can protect this investment. In order to allow you to make sound choices about insuring your enterprise, you will need to know the truth behind a few of the more common business insurance notions. Read More