Shopping For Auto Insurance? Look For These 3 Things

Are you in the process of looking for a new auto insurance provider? If so, you might have noticed that the many providers out there are offering similar coverage for your basic needs. If you want an insurance provider that can really stand out from the rest, you need to look beyond the policy that they are offering you. Here are 3 things to look for when finding a new auto insurance provider.

The Ability To Manage Your Policy From The Website

It's pretty much standard for insurance companies to have a website where you can log in, but the big difference what you can do once you log in. Online bill pay is a must these days, but what you should be looking for is a insurance company that will allow you to fully manage your policy from their website. This is incredibly convenient for when you want to make changes. When it comes to making changes like how big your deductible is, or what kind of coverage you have, you want to easily make these changes on your own instead of having to talk to an agent over the phone.

A Robust Mobile Application

Don't just check to see if your auto insurance provider has a mobile app for you to use. Find out what you can do with it. Ideally, you want to work with a company that allows you to easily submit claims from your phone. This includes the ability to take photos of a car accident and upload them directly from the app.

In addition, having a digital insurance card will be a lifesaver when you find yourself in a situation without it. Check to make sure that your state allows digital insurance cards, since some do not. If pulled over, all you need to do is show the digital card to the police officer, and they can write down a number on the card and verify your insurance back in their vehicle. You do not need to hand over your phone to use a digital insurance card.

Ability To Submit A Claim 24/7

Claims should be easy to submit, but it's likely that your accident won't happen between the business hours of 9am to 5pm. Find out how you can submit a claim at any time of the day, weather it's through their mobile app or by calling a phone number. Getting this process started immediately after your accident will help you get your car fixed faster.

For more information and options, talk with different local insurance companies, like Wolf Insurance Agency.
