4 Things To Talk To Your Health Insurance About When You’re Expecting

As soon as you discover that you and your partner are expecting, you have to know what to expect as far as health insurance goes. When you know how your insurance is going to work for you during your pregnancy, you can get through it with a bit more peace of mind. Here are four specific things to talk to your health insurance about:

  1. Adding Your Newborn to the Plan: Your health insurance should provide you with details about how to add your newborn to your health insurance plan. Most health insurance companies provide you with a 30-day time frame to get your newborn covered under your policy. It's important to know how you should go about this. That way, your newborn will be covered right away. 
  2. Breast Pumps: If you work full time, you are probably going to want a breast pump if you plan on breastfeeding. However, breast pumps can be quite expensive. Luckily, many health insurance companies provide coverage for the cost of one. If your health insurance does provide coverage for a breast pump, you have to know whether or not this is coverage to rent one or buy one. You also want to know if they cover an electric breast pump or just a manual one. 
  3. Circumcision:  If you are having a boy, you should know whether or not circumcision is covered. If so, then it can be easy to make the decision as to whether or not you should circumcise your child. If your insurance does not cover it, but you do want to have your child circumcised, then you need to be prepared to pay a few hundred dollars for it out of pocket. 
  4. Pediatricians:  Finally, you should ask your insurance for a list of pediatricians in the area who accept your insurance. This way, you can take the time to find a pediatrician you are comfortable with. Once your baby is born, you are going to have to take them to the pediatrician by the time they are a month old. You don't want to spend that first month stressing about what pediatrician to take them to. 

When you know these four things to talk to your health insurance about when you are expecting, you can be sure that you will be thoroughly prepared for any potential future costs and the process of ensuring that your baby is taken care of once he or she is born. For more information, contact a health insurance agency like Taylor Insurance Agencies.
